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Li Ge & Linda Scott & Mark VanderWiele

Company: Linux Technology Center, IBM
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Li Ge is a Staff Software Engineer in the IBM Linux Technology Center. She graduated from New Mexico State University with an MS in Computer Science in 2001. She has been working on Linux for three years and is currently working on Linux kernel validation and Linux reliability measurement. She can be reached at [email protected].

Linda Scott is a Senior Software Engineer and has worked at IBM development labs in the state of Texas since graduating from Jackson State University. During her career with IBM, Linda has worked on a variety of Unix and Linux projects and is currently working on the Linux Test Project where over 2000 test cases have been delivered to the open source community. She can be reached at [email protected].

Mark VanderWiele is a Senior Technical Staff Member and Architect in the IBM Linux Technology Center. He graduated from Florida State University in 1983 and has spent the majority of his career in various aspects of operating system development. He can be reached at [email protected].


This article documents the test results and analysis of the Linux kernel and other core OS components, including everything from libraries and device drivers to file systems and networking, all under some fairly adverse conditions, and over lengthy durations. The IBM Linux Technology Center has just finished this comprehensive testing over a period of more than three months and shares the results of their LTP (Linux Test Project) testing with developerWorks readers.

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