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Erwin Vervaet & Maarten De Cock

Company: Ervacon & ASQdotCOM
E-mail address: [email protected]
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Erwin Vervaet is a software engineer with a keen interest in applying modern IT concepts and tools. He has been using the Java programming language since 1996, and has a master's degree in computer science from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He has been involved in IT research, e-commerce projects, open source initiatives, and industrial software systems. As an independent consultant, Erwin builds object-oriented business information systems using the Java programming language. You can contact him at [email protected].

Maarten De Cock is a programmer focusing on writing clean and fast Java code. After graduating from the Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, Belgium, he started using the Java programming language in 1999. Since then he has participated in several e-commerce projects and also teaches Java programming courses on a regular basis. He currently works as a consultant for ASQdotCOM. Contact Maarten at [email protected].


Many useful techniques exist for optimizing a Java program. Instead of focusing on one particular technique, this article considers the optimization process as a whole. Authors Erwin Vervaet and Maarten De Cock walk readers through the performance tuning of a puzzle-solving program, applying an assortment of techniques ranging from simple technical tips to more advanced algorithm optimizations. The end result is a spectacular performance increase (more than a million fold) between the first working implementation and the fully optimized solution.

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